IT King Cafe

Friday, 18 January 2013

How to Disable Startup Processes

What are startup processes?
startup thumb How to Disable Startup ProcessesStartup processes are processes and programs that start automatically when you start up your PC.
Some examples are instant messengers (Yahoo Msgr, MSN, Skype) and anti-virus (Kaspersky, AVG).
Why Disable Some Startup Processes
Some startup processes are just simply unnecessary, you rarely use them, or they take up too much memory (which slows down the computer when booting).
Disabling unnecessary and high-memory speeds up your computer tremendously, and it’s easy to disable them.
5 Easy Peasy Steps to Disable Them
1. Click the Windows Start button.
2. Type msconfig in the search box. (XP users, click ‘Run’, then type msconfig).
1 thumb How to Disable Startup Processes
3. Click ‘msconfig.exe’ and go to the Startup tab.
2 thumb How to Disable Startup Processes
4. Disable whatever unnecessary. If you are not sure what a process is, leave it enabled just to be safe. Click here for a post on how to find out
5. Click ‘OK’. The startup items you’ve disabled won’t run on your next reboot.

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