IT King Cafe

Friday, 8 February 2013

Combi Monitor Literally Prints

Combi Monitor Literally Prints your Screen

Make screencaps into instant hard-copies, with just one magical keypress. You know, just like how people used to do it before these fancy graphics came out.
Back in the text-based era of DOS, hitting Print Screen literally printed out your screen's output to your printer port, giving you a handy hard copy on demand. However, as computers OSes evolved to graphical user interfaces, the Print Screen key became relegated to a digital-picture-grabber.

Document Extractor by Byeong Min Choe

document extractor
Byeong Min Choe's Document Extractor:  not only claims to be a combined printer/scanner and monitor (which it is), but also a "solution for saving our precious working times and natural resources." We're not exactly sure how any printer conserves resources, since they will all use paper and toner (no matter how green they may be). The interface is rather cool, though; Document Extractor posits a touch-screen UI, with which you can simply zoom, crop and select your image/document/whatever for printing. A sheaf of paper sticks out of the back of the monitor, which appears to handle various size standards. We're also not sure where the necessary full-color toners and scanning hardware would fit into the already anorexic profile, but we guess that's up to the engineers of 2070 to decide.
We have seen and maybe most of us may have used or at least may even be familiar with combo office machines, such as HP’s Printer/copier/FAX. The same concept is implemented in the Document Extractor. The machine is a Combination of a Monitor and a print mated into one. It save a lot of precious office space, which as such is at a premium. The printer stationary is tucked away from view and goes at the back of the monitor which doubles up as a paper feeder. The Document extractor is designed by Byeong Min Choe.



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